Cabaret Voltaire, Gestalt Corps, Bedford Boys' Club, 18th August 1984.

Their machines might be programmed, but it’s what they are programmed with - fear, anger, paranoia and bleak premonitions - that gives these dance rhythms their unsettling edge.…

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Gig 67. The Art Ensemble of Chicago, The Leadmill, Sheffield, 10th May 1984.

Their sound eddies and flows like the ocean tides and currents, from Lake Victoria in the heart of ancient Africa to their home on the shores of Lake Michigan.…

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Gig 66. The Box, Klub007, Strahov, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 2nd December 1983.

The start of our pressing interrogation of sound and the space around it. The nods and the glances between us, the blinks and winks, as we search for a kind of musical neutral buoyancy, where we become immersed in the current that pushes our wave of noise towards the audience.…

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Gig 65. Cabaret Voltaire, The Octagon Centre, Sheffield University, 19th November 1983

“I know when to go out Know when to stay in Get things done.” David Bowie - “Modern Love” (1983) Well, if it’s alright for David Bowie to stay at home on a summer…

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Gig 64. Sun Ra, The Octagon Centre, Sheffield University, 15th October 1983.

Bloody hell this band is tight. Tight like the rivets on a supersonic rocket ship. Tight like the barrel that the old crazy lady went over Niagara Falls in, tumbling through the tumult to emerge shaken but smiling.…

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Gig 63. Death Cult, The Limit Club, West Street, Sheffield. Thursday 15th September 1983.

The rudimentary spiky crops and buzz cuts of 1980 have been grown out to luxuriant lengths which appear to fan out at all angles: cockscombs, peacock fans and a striking, shaved at-the-side, long-at-the-back cut, which, to my eyes, makes the wearer look like a Disney cartoon vulture.…

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